Saturday, February 09, 2013

Searching your heart

Yes, I would like to give a lot of things that I do not have to give. So I search my heart this Christmas and ask myself, am I giving what I have to give? I cannot give peace to the whole world, but I can share with a few my faith in the Prince of Peace. I cannot feed all of the hungry people on earth, but I can make a donation to some organization that is trying to help, and I can feed one, or two or three who are close at hand. I cannot heal all of the world’s heartache, but I can tell a few that God cares, and I can reinforce that message by showing them that I care.

We can also begin by not being so economical with our smiles. Don’t hoard your laughter. Don’t be a miser with your praise. Don’t get too cranky to enjoy children. There is enough heartache in the world without our adding to it. There is more than enough loneliness. One of the finest things that any of us could do is to help take some of it away. Have we really shared this Christmas? We cannot share, in the truest sense of the word, unless we care. Do we really care? Are we concerned for someone?
- Father Joe Rossiter

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