Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A Traditional PEI Hooked Rug

After a discussion with Tasha about wool, I was inspired to post this slightly out of focus picture of a rug I hooked last year. This rug was made as a wedding present for my longtime friend Beth. It is hooked with wool from MacAusland's Woolen Mill in Bloomfield, PEI. I used my great-grandmother's hook on this rug. My family also has her large rug hooking frames (too big to cart to TO with me). I have always admired hooked rugs and just a few years ago decided to learn the craft. My grandmother's sister (Auntie), in her nineties at the time, passed on the craft to me. PEI hooked mats are known for their geometric patterns and tend to always be trimmed in black. I am currently finishing a mat for my friend Krista.


Anonymous said...

Juanita - it's gorgeous! What a talent you have. If the archiving thing doesn't work, you should get into business hooking rugs and working the craft show circuit!

Anonymous said...

Hey Neat, never did see the final product on this rug. Looks great. Looking forward to seeing the livestock mat once it's complete! Thank heavens for friends who'll complete unfinished projects ... hey maybe that could be your sideline? :)

Anonymous said...

How many rugs could a woodrug rug if a woodrug could rug wood? Sorry Juanita, that was just lame. Excellent rug! I like the black trim characteristic. It imbues the rugs with a certain outlook on life that is very late 1800s / early 1900s Irish-Scot, I think.
Reading too much into things,
- Jason C.