Monday, May 01, 2006

Today from Johannesburg

Today Jill, Wendy Duff and I visited Constitution Hill in Johannesburg. This was the location of the prison in Jo’Berg where such prisoners as Nelson Mandela and Gandhi were held at various times. We left with a mixture of emotions. Throughout the exhibit, there were interpretative displays with commentary from former prisoners. The conditions were absolutely horrifying, which was highlighted by the fact that the prison operated until 1983. The positive aspect is that the constitutional court was built on this same site, using bricks from the former prison: this representation from the past being used to build the foundation for future change.

Tomorrow is our first day at work of work. That means an early morning rise for the first time in a long time!


Anonymous said...

Wow. Sounds like Africa is going to be very exciting for you, Juanita!
I am so glad you will be writing about it.
A nice start to the month of May (aside from Lobster Fishing Opening!)


Neater said...

Hi Tasha,
Great to hear from you. How is the Inforum these days? Can't say I miss the place. When do you leave for Turkey? I am looking forward to your blog from that trip. I will keep posting and look forward to hearing from you again.

Neater said...

Hi Alaina,
Speaking of a nice way to starting the month of May - did you have a birthday recently? I am getting old, and therefore forgetful, but isn't your b'day around the first of May? If so, Happy belated Birthday!! Ha - I had fogrotten why the Island looks forward to May - the lobster season indeed! I am sure your Dad will enjoy it - he loves fish doen't he? Okay, back to work.